$12 :: snacks, sunscreen, campsite
67.04 mi :: 5.44 hr :: 40.0 mph :: 11.6 mph :: 2370 mi
Heidi & Dick off a few minutes before me, ~6:40AM, but I think went somewhere for breakfast. Didn’t see or hear of them again.
Some hills today. By 10 AM it was getting hot. Found nowhere to cool off in Williston, so continued on in extreme heat, stifling still air. Sweat dripping everywhere.
Noon – stop in L & C state park, just as it hits 100� F. Finally get my swim in the waters of the Missouri, Lake Sakakawea. I just walked in up to my neck and stayed there.
Too hot to ride on, I buy a $7 campsite. I have napped, read, swam, snacked, eaten, and showered the hot day away.
It’s supposed to be 100+� again tomorrow. I have a full moon, so I’m going to try an early AM start, if I can wake up w/ no alarm. Heading across another Indian reservation, Fort Berthold. Won’t camp there, but will have to find some food & water.