$7 :: lunch, ice cream
52.58 mi :: 4.38 hr :: 32.6 mph :: 11.2 mph :: 5872 mi
Rained all night. When I wake it has let up, but clouds still loom low. I discover I have lost some food to a chiseler, and I angrily throw rocks at him when he returns for more while I make breakfast.
I find a trail that goes up Mt. Hancock, stash the bike, and head off in a light rain. It’s a nice hike, my mind is whizzing, but somewhere around Hancock Notch I grow weary of the swampy trail and dearth of views. I eat bagels and hummus for lunch, then hike back. Walking back is just as pleasant – I get an almost physical feeling that I belong here doing I’m doing.
Back on the bike I finish off the pass in heavier rain. Sailing down the back I pass lee and Vic, and execute a 200-yard wet stop.
They’re in good shape, putting on rain gear, so I follow suit. I wish Lee a happy 68th birthday, and we agree to meet in Conway. I start down the long, well-graded downhill.
The pizza shop in Conway is right across from the High School. The prices are cheap and kids hang around laughing, smoking, and looking cool. I read until Lee and Vic show up for our last meal together. They’re still teasing me about Kirah in Astoria. Reminding me that I may never stumble across another one like her.
I move on a ways, stop and read by the Saco River, then ride till its time to camp. No trouble finding a spot here, it’s all woods. It takes me a while to stop imagining chiselers in my food and go to sleep.