0 mi ::
314 mi ::
Sunny, warm
We sleep late and have a leisurely breakfast with Sean while Mark and Mary Ann go for a ride. Sean tempts me with good software engineering work opportunities in New Zealand.
After we’ve broken camp Sean hits the road. Soon after we’re riding east with Mark and Mary Ann, our first highway travel since we started a month ago.
It takes an hour and a half to reach their house. We indulge in showers and laundry, then drive back to town to look for shoes at Alco. We exhaust all the women’s running shoes and most of the men’s – Ann’s feet are just too wide. One pair is not great but better than the others. We decide to try the shoe store that opens at nine tomorrow. We’ll return if there’s nothing better there. With all that work done, we recover with microbrew and lasagna at Socorro Springs Brewing Company, then drive back to the house and tell stories on the porch until past our bedtime.