0 mi ::
1228 mi ::
Partly cloudy, warm
We decide to celebrate my birthday a day early. Mosty it involves laziness and hanging out with my family. My dad and Sarah show up around lunch. We snack at the picnic table, then lounge at the pool. I whoop my Mom in a couple of games of cribbage. Eventually we all rally for pizza at BeauJo’s. Mom gives Dad a gift for his upcoming birthday, and we toast our gathering. Then we head back to the campsite for cake. I get cards and presents from all sorts of family, including Ann’s parents and my grandmother in Florida. Ann unveils the most chocolatey cake I’ve ever eaten, like a cross between mousse and solid fudge. Dad gives me a cornucopia of freeze-dried desserts, among other things. All together I feel quite spoiled, and loved.
One response to “Day 92, Birthday Party”
but.. but no ‘shocker’ pens??