Rainin’ and Townin’

We need to head into town for supplies, and the weather cools down for us and gives the desert some water.

Originally we decide we’ll stay at the fanciest RV resort in Saint George to see what that’s like. It may be a long time before we do this again. I won’t enumerate everything, but it seems like everything that can be wrong, is decidedly wrong. Location, bathrooms, hookups, wifi, laundry – failure on all counts. We get a refund and find a laundromat and coffeeshop instead. Later we pull into about the most low-key RV park I can imagine, and this works just fine for three rainy days of work and errands.


Our last act in town is to catch a free organ concert at the local Mormon tabernacle. I get a distinct feeling of not-belonging in this place, but hearing Bach on a pipe organ can cure many discomforts. We wriggle out before the doorman can catch us with a spiel, feeling a little more familiar with the town.


Ann’s photos

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