Being active seems to make my cold recede into the background, so I go with Ann for another outing today. We ride the bikes ten miles into Snow Canyon State Park, lock them at the Three Ponds trailhead, and start up the trail.
It’s less than two miles to the “ponds”, but the hiking is in loose sand, and it’s hot. We stop in the shade of a live oak for a while on the way and “meditate”, looking up into the deep blue sky where an occasional hawk or turkey vulture drifts by.
Continuing, we encounter a mossy puddle that I guess may be one of the ponds. We turn and continue up what must be a side canyon, but see no more. On our return Ann notices the other two carved into the shadowy carved notches above the first. We climb around on the sandstone to look at them – one has a little rock dam at the base. The water in all of them is thick and green, but significant nonetheless in this desert.
Home again, it feels like we’ve had a huge outing.
(No map of this one, forgot the tracker).