May 14
We're camped near a hole in the aqueduct with easy access to its cool, fresh water.
Our goal is to escape the Mojave via the trail, and re-enter it by nightfall via
Highway 58. By evening we are so desperate and slap-happy that we run almost
seven miles through a windfarm to reach the road by dark. Our efforts are rewarded
by an instant ride into the town of Mojave. Though we didn't know it, the day totaled
over 31 miles.
Dylan's Tape | Pete's
Journal |
May 15
Thinking we have conquered trail hunger once and for all, we each buy enough food
for seven days of feasting. We can barely pick up our packs as we try to
hitch a ride out of Mojave. Climbing
slowly, painfully into the piute mountains, we can only laugh at ourselves. The
amount of effort required to move is ridiculous. We stop after a short 6 miles.
Dylan's Tape | Pete's
Journal |
May 16
Walking in the cheerful morning, two baby coyotes spring onto the trail, scaring
the shit out of me. At the first springs, Golden Oaks, we find a stash of cigarettes
and pornography that someone has left for the benefit others. We enjoy a lighthearted
lunch until we realize that we face a serious problem. Both filters are
too clogged to provide us with fresh water. Relying on our luck and innovation,
we rule out the depressing prospect of a retreat to Mojave. We move onward,
hauling our heavy packs on sore, complaining feet.
Dylan's Tape | Pete's Journal |