July 3
It's not far to Burney Falls. I make my decision to stop at the
Oregon border final with many long phone calls. We consume quite
a few expensive Burney Falls ice cream cones.
We make plans to enjoy our remaining days on the trail.
The going will be easy, and we'll be done around my birthday,
July 19th. We agree to sign an oath in the Hyatt Lake register
that we will complete the trail together at twice our current age,
starting July 19th, 2019.
| Pete's
Journal |
July 4
Almost all our long views are dominated by hulking Mt. Shasta. They
cease towards the end of the day as we enter an area we've heard
southbounders call "the horizontal forest". Trees litter the ground
like pick-up-sticks, creating a jungle gym for us to climb, swing, and
crawl through. Many logging trucks are parked around, waiting to
harvest nature's detritus.
| Pete's
Journal |
July 5
Perhaps in anticipation of rest, our bodies are sore even after
fewer miles. We don't cut back as much as maybe we should, both
of us have a tendency to drive forward. Still, our minds are
easy and the trail pleasant. Unable to find a decent camping spot,
we plop down by the side of a dirt road on Wolf Mountain in
the evening. Thankfully, we never see any sign of automobiles.
| Pete's Journal |