Greyrock climbing outing
Sadly, Ann is down with the stomach funk today, so Sean and I leave for Greyrock at 8 am without her. The parking lot is already nearly full at 9, and the day is clear and warm. Excited, we lug our gear quickly up the 3.3-mile, 1,500-ft approach to the South Slabs. Last time I…
Rotary Park Bouldering
Sean was introduced to bouldering today after riding his bike up to Rotary Park to meet me. “I’ll never ever do that again,” he said of the ride. These hills are some of the steepest little buggers in the area. We spent most of our time on The Eliminator boulder (I think), working some of…
Rotary Park Bouldering
For the first time this year I headed up to Rotary Park by Horsetooth Reservoir after work for some real bouldering. It felt like it had been a very long time, but slowly the feeling of my hands on the rock, the sun on my back, and the changing sky reminded that climbing is almost…
Mammatus Clouds?
Not as dramatic as some of the pictures I’ve seen of Mammatus Clouds, but still made for a more interesting commute this morning. Combined with temperatures in the 40’s, the morning had a very “tail-end of winter” sort of feel.
Mount McConnel Hike
I was looking for a trail to hike that wouldn’t be too hot or too snowy, and came up with 8,010-ft Mount McConnel, about 26 miles up the Poudre Canyon. It was a good choice. We started with some high cloud cover, but it soon lifted and provided us with a lovely summer day. There…
Birthday Girl
Ann’s birthday dinner was held at the Nyala Ethiopian restaurant on Harvard St, a little treasure that I consider the best ethnic restaurant we’ve tried in Fort Collins. Ann arranged with the owner, a woman who does all the cooking and runs the place with her daughters, to have a variety of dishes served to…
Book: Last Breath / Peter Stark
A refreshing look at death in the great outdoors – no, really. This book is a series of fictionalized accounts of death or near-death experiences from common outdoor causes, compiled from many actual cases. Each tale is accompanied by a detailed physiological description of what’s happening in the body at each stage. While it provides…
Disney Animal Kingdom
At six thirty an army of buses hauled thousands of conference attendees to the Animal Kingdom. To my relief, the only real animals I saw here were herons and cranes, apparently here of their own accord. Everything in the park was to free to us – food, drinks, and rides. It created an odd sense…
Sidewalk People
“Downtown Disney” is full of nightclubs, restaurants, and stores, but the people are the most entertaining part. More Photos
Landing in Orlando
I’m in Orlando, Florida for a SunGard Higher Education conference. I haven’t been here since 1994, when I came for a Siggraph computer graphics conference. I forgot how swampy it is here. Disney World is like a series of resort islands in a sea of swamp, sparse stands of pine, and of course, endless condominiums.…