Radio Show Taping: Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me
I’d never attended the taping of a media show, radio, tv, or any other type. I was a little worried that the truth would ruin the illusion of a live quiz show. Would there be a big flashing APPLAUSE light?
Name the big wierd plant
We saw this plant growing by the trail on Long’s Peak just above timberline. It has me stumped so far. I have a guess as to the family it belongs to, but I can’t find anything that seems like a good match in my usual resources. This specimen was nearly three feet tall, and there…
Movie: Ikiru (1952)
A sentimental but sincere variation on the carpe diem theme by Akira Kurusawa. Beautifully filmed as I’ve come to expect from Kurusawa. I’ve noticed that his films I’ve seen so far all highlight western influences on Japanese culture in various ways. This time we have the western theme, a fairly western soundtrack, and a bureaucratic…
Long’s Peak
Alan, Michael, and I leave Fort Collins at 2 am for an attempt on Long’s Peak. By 3:15 we’re on the trail, moving by the light of headlamps through the incredibly still, dark, cool morning air. It’s still dark when we reach timberline, and the lights of the front range sprawl are a glowing orange…
Movie: Bubba Ho-Tep
This film combines some fabulous elements, but doesn’t quite pull it off with full satisfaction. Elvis and JFK find themselves stuck as patients in an East Texas rest home, where they face off with a soul-sucking mummy feeding on the helpless old farts. The fact that it manages to provide even a little human insight…
We felt we were long overdue for an overnight, and a climbing outing. The fact that we see the 700-foot granite face of Greyrock when we look out our window must have influenced both of us, because we both suggested it as a destination for the weekend at the same time. We didn’t really consider…
Movie: Serial Mom
It was fun to introduce this gem to Ann. This one of the few movies that inspired me to write a review in my early Netflix days: Kathleen Turner is unbelievable in this role. A very satisfying sick treat. She almost had me chanting, kill, kill, kill! (50 people found this review helpful.)
Our share of Colorado State University’s community shared agriculture plan is providing us with an increasing cornucopia of organic vegetables and flowers. We get varieties you never see in the store, like Cosmic Purple Carrots. The colors alone are a feast.
Movie: King Rat (1965)
It’s been a long time since I read King Rat, but this seemed like a very subtle and well-crafted screenplay of it. Like the book Shantung Compound, this story of the prisoners of a Japanese POW camp in China uses the intense competition for scarce resources in such a place to illustrate the often harsh…
Movie: The Two Towers (Extended Version)
This was the episode that disappointed me most in the theatre because I thought story changes did injustice to some of the characters, especially Faramir and Treebeard. Even the title has a completely different meaning, with the two towers as allies instead of competitors for the ring. In the extended version the extra character development…