Movie: I, Robot
A sci-fi flick inspired by Isaac Asimov’s short robot stories. It’s not bad – there are a lot of neat effects and a bit of exploration of Asimov’s “3 laws of robotics”. I was surprised to see a Fox movie criticize the idea of compromising freedom for security. It still doesn’t touch my favorite robot…
Movie: Bourne Supremacy
Still better than the run-of-the-mill action movie, but not as original or interesting as the first one. The amnesia plot device really worked in the Bourne Identity to make an interesting character and motive. This time that motive is watered down with a much more tired revenge story, which seems to require a lot more…
Horsetooth Mountain
The hike up distinctive Horsetooth Mountain, visible from much of Fort Collins, makes a great afternoon outing. I went up with my friends Jess and Alan in just over an hour, with great views along the way of Long’s Peak to the southwest, the reservoir below, and the plains spilling out to the east. The…
Book: Walking With The Wild Wind / Jim Stoltz
Pete and I met Walkin’ Jim on our 1996 Pacific Crest Trail hike, and Pete recently gave me this book. Of all the distance hiking books I’ve read so far, this one does the best job of conveying what a really long walk can be like, and how it can affect the rest of your…
Movie: The Siege
I can’t recall why I picked this movie. It’s about terrorist attacks in New York, and was made in 1998. I didn’t get much out of it.
Movie: Luther
This is a biography of Marin Luther made by Lutherans, and clearly Luther is the hero of the film. Catholics might still feel slighted by it, but I don’t think it goes overboard as I feared it might. Luther’s character is kept quite human, and not all of the Roman Catholic Church authorities are simply…
Name the evergreen
This is an easy one. This tree has a been a foothills friend to me in Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, and California. It’s distinctive size and appearance made it one of the first trees I learned. These trees can get big, up to 300 feet tall, but most are in the 100-150 foot range. They…
Movie: The Terminal
I can’t recall another movie that goes from being good to bad as quickly as this one does. We begin with the interesting if implausible setup of a traveler trapped in a terminal with no legal citizenship when his home country government falls to a rebellion. The movie milks this situation well for a while,…
hoboclips blog launched
Not long ago I started using Bloglines to read blogs and various other internet sites of interest to me. A lot of sites I like are “Link Blogs” that mostly link to other interesting stuff with a little commentary. The hobolog is not that kind of blog, but Bloglines makes it easy to publish a…
Bouldering at the 420’s
I forgot to ask why this place is called The 420’s. It’s a wide, forested meadow about 35 miles miles up the Poudre canyon, strewn with a variety of shapely granite boulders. There’s still a little ice and snow in the shadows, but when the sun came out this was a really nice place to…