Movie: Horatio Hornblower
This is a six-episode series by A&E based on the C.S. Forester novels featuring british naval hero Horatio Hornblower. We’ve been watching these here and there over the past weeks. I haven’t read Forester’s books, but these movies border on naval Harlequin romances. Obstacles and enemies are carefully constructed for Horatio to demolish with utter…
CDT-ROM 2005
To my amazement, Jonathan Ley continues to produce a revision of his Continental Divide Trail Maps every year. For this set he sifted through hundreds of our scribbled-on maps and incorporated our more useful notes. I’d love to see these available as an online resource someday (currently he offers them on CD only).
Movie: Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)
I don’t know whether this movie was supposed to be a campy satire, a serious drama, or a Shakespearean tragedy. Maybe all of the above. The mix can be a bit quixotic, but there’s no doubt that it’s good.
Lower Arthur’s Rock
It’s a bright, sunny day, but there’s a cold wind blowing. We follow Dave and Lisa to Lower Arthur’s Rock at Lory State Park. There’s the usual parking permit to deal with, and the trail up the arroyo is more like a bobsled track in places, but the rock is dry, out of the wind,…
Movie: The Door in the Floor
As rich with symbolism, loss, and irony as I’ve come to expect from John Irving adaptations. Once again I haven’t read the book, and I can sense that I’ve glimpsed only a piece of a broader tapestry woven into A Widow for One Year. As always there is some humor to help you along here,…
Movie: La Femme Nikita (1990)
A strange movie for both Ann and I to choose to watch again. Maybe it’s the appeal of the unique combination of punk girl, hit man, and My Fair Lady-style transformation. Ann remarked that this is the first muscular female gun-toting heroine character she remembers. It was probably the prototype for many more to come.…
The Gutbuster
It seems that the gutbuster was not my fate today, but that of my esteemed colleague Matt. I was curious to see how a gutbuster is made. The recipe appears to be two 12″ steamed tortillas overlapped a bit and stuffed with about four pounds of rice, beans, potatoes, carnitas, cheese, and salsa. Matt made…
Ski Up Chief Mountain
Once again we head up Squaw Pass road to explore the ski trails near Evergreen. It’s a foggy, cold day, and we don’t expect much. We stop at small pullout by the road. Ann checks out the trail and gives it “snowshoes up”. After an hour and half of pretty, groomed trail, Ann turns around…
Bouldering in Morrison
Morrison is a small but appealing spot proposed by our friends Dave and Lisa when the foothills look a little snowy for Eldorado Canyon. The south facing, overhanging sandstone faces catch the sun, turning a cold morning into a hot day. The spot is a little crowded, but the locals are so laid back and…
My Bet
This will be the first superbowl ever that means something to me. If the sum of the scores of the game end in ‘3’ or ‘6’, I’ll have to attempt to eat a ‘gutbuster’ burrito from Big City Burritos, but I won’t have to pay for it. If not, I have to pitch in for…