Movie: Veronica Guerin
I’m a little conflicted about this movie. The story of a gutsy, naive, headstrong reporter who goes after drug dealers in Northern Ireland is told and acted very well. The fact that it glories in the removal of civil liberties, which gives the righteous government the power to take the property of suspected drug dealers,…
Movie: The Mists of Avalon
Ann and I, tired after a day of packing supplies, popped this in for some relaxation. We had no idea what we were in for. I think there were half a dozen prophetic visions and sword battles in the first 20 minutes, and it goes on like that for 3 hours. Of course there’s nothing…
Hair Adventure
I get the sense that a husband should use caution when publishing pictures and comments about his wife’s hair on the internet, but this is too much fun to resist. Jess wants to dye Ann’s hair with free artistic license. Ann figures that her hair can look like anything for the Sociometry Fair and the…
Movie: Chicago
As usual I’ve missed the historical context of this film: 1920’s Chicago, Bob Fosse choreography, the original broadway musical, and the revival. The city is portrayed as a place where vengeful beauties murder their husbands and lovers daily, and the public follows the drama through the press with rapt adoration. I didn’t like this setup…
Indian Hills
With all our errands to run getting ready for the continental divide hike, it’s hard to get good day hikes in too! Today my Dad takes us up a trail on Bear Mountain behind his partner Sarah’s house in Indian Hills. It’s mostly nice forested hillside, with occassional views of Denver far below. We top…
Peter Miles Reginold Bergman
Ann and I are staying at Pete’s house in Denver at the moment. He and his wife Jess are taking care of our dog Jezze while we’re on the trail. They orginally planned to hike with us, and even though circumstances forced them to cancel those plans, they’ll still be playing a major role in…
We roll into Denver and head straight for our reserved 10×15 storage unit. We learn that it’s an upstairs unit, and that we have to squeeze through a small door and elevator to get there. The downstairs units are more expensive – but of course they don’t tell you that when you’re making your reservation.…
Starry Night
At dusk we start looking for someplace along I-15 to spend the night. On the map I see a road leaving Leeds, Utah and dead-ending in Dixie National Forest. It takes some driving around and scouting in the Subaru, but we find a legal spot to camp a ways up a small dirt road. We…
We’re Rollin’
We have mashed, stacked, packed, and jacked all our stuff into a 15-foot moving truck. Ann drives the truck south on 395 while I follow in the Subaru. We talk on the radios we got for long climbs. It’s exciting to be on the move with all our things. If all goes well we’ll start…
Entropy precedes motion
Some things go in boxes, and some stay out. Some services end today, and some tomorrow. Some things are put in piles, then migrate to other piles. Each pile makes sense on its own, when you make it, but all together they look more like an abstract painting and give little indication that on Sunday…