Day 78 (Pete)
The Hat Creek Rim, besides being dry hot and dusty, is ground for a nice spell of walking. To the south is Mount Lassen. To the north hulking Mount Shasta. Last night it emerged out of the dusk haze. Its presence is overwhelming. Though I had not read the guide and had little idea what…
Day 78
The Hat Creek Rim is indeed hot, dry, and dusty. The dust infiltrates all clothing, settles in against the skin and chaffs, especially the feet. But I am happy. The walk seems to have started all over for me. Pete points out Mt. Shasta in the distance, and I eagerly await a closer look. There…
Day 77 (Pete)
There is much to recount but I need rest. So, this may be inadequate. The woman at the Old Station Post office was all fired up to celebrate the places twenty-fifth anniversary. It may well have been her twenty-fifth year working there. She had cake and chocolates and juice all laid out on a tablecloth…
Day 77
For some reason I really enjoy the walk into Old Station through rows of mature trees. We finally talk openly of stopping at the Oregon border, and again Pete greatly helps me to reduce my sense of failure. I promise to decide by Burney Falls, but really my mind is already made up. The burden…
Day 76 (Pete)
Heeeeyyy everybody!! Its daawwn! Time to play another round of… Waallk tiill you drop!!! Third night in a row for burning of the lamp. Today we did keep to our newly set mileage ceiling. In fact, we weren’t even able to walk the twenty-five we computed yesterday would be necessary every day for the next…
Day 76
We see the sights of Lassen National Park. A steaming geyser, a boiling green lake, pits of sulfurous bubbling mud. I have no peace of mind. I often consider blowing off school to finish the trail, which would also mean leaving my girlfriend Camella to move to Chicago alone. I can’t make the decision.
Day 75 (Pete)
The moon is almost full. It will be our third. My head lamp lights the page for the second night in a row. Be sure this means we are as weary as these summer days are long. Our challenge for the second 1,300 miles has revealed itself today. The bodies are in danger of giving…
Day 75
I’m ridden with guilt. I have to face the fact that we are not going to make it to Canada, and it will be my fault. True, both of our bodies are recoiling from the 28 mile days, but a good rest and a slower pace would cure that. But I have committed to going…
Day 74 (Pete)
At dinner Dyl said, “If it wasn’t for pain, we’d probably walk until out feet were broken up like little sticks.” Mine feel half way there. For the last few days my feet have been in agony. I don’t know why this is. My shoes have seemed to be letting my feet over pronate, or…
Day 74
We prove that we don’t need snow to get lost. When we do find the trail, we’re soon treated to our first view of Mt. Lassen. For quite some time I’ve noticed Pete’s feet rolling more & more inward when he walks. Foot pain forces him to don our already-worn spare pair of shoes, and…