Book: The Teachings of Don Juan / Carlos Castaneda
An anthropology student straps in for the ride of his life as the apprentice of a Yaqui Indian sorceror.
Book: Narcissus and Goldmund / Hermann Hesse
To live by the heart or the mind?
Notebook Song
He rode his soul down temptation road And when he got home his blankets were cold She ran out the door with a bucket of coal He said, “Goodbye my love, I’ve done you wrong.” And outside his home he wept in despair For letting his true love dissove into air He swore at his…
Notebook page
I used to wander in the slums I’d hear the tales of prostitutes and bums Elvis sang and Susie smiled “Washburn Ave. is no place for a child.” “Who do you belong to child?” I’d just walk and watch my feet Jump the cracks and wonder who I’d meet Sometimes I’d sit against the wall…
(11-Mar-2006 Note: I can’t remember when I wrote this, but it seems like late Junior High. My first contemplation of death, perhaps? I’ve left mistakes that seemed revealing in, but fixed some typos. I’m sure I was influenced by H.G. Wells and probably others, but it seems like a remarkably honest contemplation.) The time traveller…
6th Grade 53
This is my last entry in my everloving journal. Last night was a lot of fun. But also last night I realized something. I realized how many people in this school respect me, and how my decisions influence theirs. I don’t know why, but it just hit me. I also realized the responsibility that comes…
6th Grade 52
Well, I’m not supposed to write in my journal today, but when I want to it’s a shame not too. Especially when school’s almost over. I’m going to Laramie this weekend, and I’m going to start bringing my stuff over. I can’t wait. Then this summer, at least part of the time, I’ll be able…
6th Grade 51
It’s been a while, but I’m glad to be writing here again. I’m going Matthew’s birthday party this weekend, and I’m really exited. We’re going to watch VCR movies, have pizza, play D&D, and sleep outside in tents. The movies we’ll be seeing are: Road Warrior Raiders of the Lost Ark The Toy I’ll be…
6th Grade 50
We saw a couple good films today. I like the tobacco ones. I wasn’t surprised that nobody told you we’ve seen them. I think I’ll be seeing Tony this weekend. We almost always have a good time.
6th Grade 49
Here I thought I was going to have a good Tuesday – now it looks like we might not. Our school pictures came in today. I look like a jerk. I don’t think anybody disagrees with me. It’s just my cheeks are scrunche and my eyes look evil. I thought the Small World Players were…