6th Grade 38
We went to Welling Jr. High today. I felt it was a good learning experience, and a lot of fun. First we saw the land, which was a lot better then I thought it would be. Actually, first we took a quick tour of the shcool, before we saw the land. Then we went to…
6th Grade 37
Today was a lot of fun. Waverly Punk Day! I’ve gotten some laughs with my baggy pants, muscle shirt, and a hanky around my neck. I got my progress report today. The grade have kind of a beat when you say them A,B,A-,A-,A-…C…+. Pretty good until you get to the end. But, not everything is…
6th Grade 36
My dad did get to come to waqtch me test, and I go my yellow belt, just as I suspected. [Wonderful! – teacher’s note] My mom and Bruce are still going to California on spring break, while they dump me off in Laramie. But, I enjoy Laramie. My dad and I are going on two…
6th Grade 36
Well, tonight is the night I test for my yellow belt, and I’m really exited. Today seemed like it would never end. I’m so hiper, I could just about jump through the it’s not so much getting my yellow belt, it’s that my will be watching. I can’t wait. I’ll have to wait some more…
6th Grade 35
I can’t remember much about yesterday. All I remember is that karate was fun last night. At the end of the session we were split into two teams. Kim (our instructor) had one pad and Mark (our other instructor had a pad. The teams had to see who could kick their instructor acroos the room…
6th Grade 34
My testing for my yellow belt was going to delay a trip to Laramie, but now my dad might come up to watch me test. If does come, it would be a lot of fun. I really hope he does. I’ll get to Laramie either way. I’m still sad I missed the WYO. vs. CSU…
6th Grade 33
I’m feeling pretty good today, only I wish this wasn’t the last day of interest groups. I had a lot of fun in my interest group, and working on computers out of it. It was a good experience. It was also a good way to end the day. I’m testing for my yellow belt on…
6th Grade 32
Not too much news on California lately, except my mom and Bruce are going there during spring break. I think they’re looking for a house and a job. I can’t go to Laramie this weekend either. I don’t even know why. But, I’ll try to make the best of it. Matt might spend the night,…
6th Grade 31
I started to write a neat program on my computer last night when my parents went out to dinner. You’re out in the middle of space, and you fly around to land on one of three planets. When you land on the first one the screen flashes red and all of a sudden you’re on…
6th Grade 30
Today February 29, leap year. I call today “leap day”. Whenever it’s leap day I think of the restaurant in California that serves frog legs. I don’t like frog legs. I’m eager to get started with our computer club. I think it will be really fun, plus it’s a chance to get some programming time…