Snow Running
Not barefoot this time, but back in my Vibram Five Fingers with some rubber trimmed from the left heel, I set out for a run in the recent snow. The soft snow and (relatively) warm feet make this a new game – suddenly it feels like I can work my heart and lungs instead of…
A Ride on the Rail Runner
The commuter train between Santa Fe and Albuquerque was a new addition during our time here. It’s been a topic of much debate, praise, and mockery, opening new opportunities for commuters, blocking traffic, sitting mysteriously idle, stranding partyers, and generally attracting attention. We figure we should ride it before we leave town. One of our…
Book: Between a Rock and a Hard Place / Aron Ralston
Being someone who enjoys the occasional solo outing, even though I haven’t started canyoneering, gives this story an extra grip on me. (Aron amputated his lower arm after a boulder pinned his hand to the wall of a slot canyon in the Canyonlands of Utah). It’s a fascinating survival tale, which Aron tells candidly in…
Home has wheels again
We’ve been living in our camper again since our Christmas trip really, but we’re staying in Santa Fe while Ann transitions out of the job that has allowed me to focus on my freelance software work for a year now. This is a first step towards a rapid expansion our migrations thus far:
Square Deal Farm Syrup
Our bounty of maple syrup has arrived from Square Deal Farm! The closest I can come to describing it is that it tastes like sunlight made sweet and liquid, which I guess is a good description of what Maple trees do, but this is the first time that syrup has made that image palpable for…
Last WordPress Geo Mashup Plugin Announcement Here
This will be my last release announcement here, for version 1.2.9 of Geo Mashup. If you’re listening here for release announcements, subscribe instead to the project download feed: http://code.google.com/feeds/p/wordpress-geo-mashup/downloads/basic The change log will be tracked by version in the Milestone field on the issues page: http://code.google.com/p/wordpress-geo-mashup/issues/list?can=2&q=milestone=1.2.9 Happy upgrading!
Frostbite for the New Year?
The weather is gorgeous for our first day of the year – sunny and well above freezing. We head up with Brooke to the Dorothy Stewart trail, which is high enough to be almost fully snow covered. Lately all I want to do is experiment with barefoot hiking, so I decide to see how my…
2009 Review
Walking: I began the year struggling with knee and hip pain, wondering if I would ever hike again. After one failed regimen, a chiropractor gave me a therapy program that worked. I managed to hike across Wyoming with Ann and Pete, suffering far more intestinal pain than knee pain. Now I’m experimenting with running again,…
Idaho to Santa Fe
This is a long drive, 985 miles in some remote terrain, but it has never failed to show me something new. We’ve left our stuff and our Subaru, so we can drive together with a mostly empty trailer. This helps us make a lot of miles, for us, well past the “NEXT SERVICES 109 MILES”…
Book: Luminous / Greg Egan
A collection of science fiction short stories that concoct a provocative mix of biotechnology, social issues, philosophy, and physics. The tales are a little heavy on the technospeak, but I found if I just charged on, the story would soon offer some alternate emotional motivation. A nice, highly imaginative holiday read.