Ruby Crest Trail Day 1: Lamoille Canyon to Liberty Lake
At last! Ann and I head out for our first full week off in two years. Our destination has been tempting us for years: the Ruby mountains. We get on the road early so we can get a few miles of hiking in before nightfall. Most people hike this trail northbound, but we’re bucking the…
Job’s and neighboring peaks loop
For labor day weekend Ann and I revisit a forest road we’d given up on once before with our camper. It seems much better now, and leads us to a great base camp for looping Job’s peak, Job’s sister, and Freel peak. Smoke rolls in pretty thick by the afternoon, but clears again at night.…
Pettingell Peak
I’m posting this a month late, but wanted to make note of this day trip with my friends Pete and Aaron, and Aaron’s friend Jess who joined us for her first mountain hike. Smoke from California had followed me all the way to the Rockies, but didn’t spoil our enjoyment of this peak I’ve admired…
Matterhorn Peak North Arête
I’m posting this two months after the trip. Gabe and I return to the north face of Matterhorn peak after an aborted attempt two weeks earlier. This time we hike in and bivouac at the little tarn on the approach, one of my favorite spots. The next day we rise early, climb the North Arete…
PCT Sonora to Ebbet’s pass backpack
For my birthday Ann gave me a backpack trip! Dropping me off at Sonora pass, I hike 23 blissful miles on the Pacific Crest Trail to Wolf creek. Meanwhile she drives way around to the Highlands lake trailhead, and packs in 4 miles to camp with me. After a birthday breakfast (with cake!), she loops…
Vermont’s Camel’s Hump
I’ve been on a bit of a blogging hiatus while working hard on Postmatic, but there have still been good outings, and this is one I’ve wanted to do for a long time. I go to Vermont occasionally to work with my partner Jason and visit family in Burlington. The region is dominated by two…
Petersen Mountain
Just north of Peavine, Petersen Mountain tops a small north-south range that is very close to Reno, yet I’ve ignored it for almost four years. This weekend Matt joined us to see what we’ve been missing, and it turns out to be a really nice hike. The range really has two parallel ridges, and the…
River rock time
We take our friend Zach for his first outdoor climbing day at the river rock, and he made this timelapse of us cragging in the perfect weather:
New Washoe City to Virginia City Hike
Matt and Kathleen live near Washoe lake, love to hike, and surprised us when they talked about hiking from their house to Virginia City. Matt did it a couple of years ago, and Ann has wanted to do it since we hiked Mount Davidson three years ago. Today we all did it together – a…
Great weather in the Gorge
Our friend Mike and his family couldn’t have picked a better weekend for some climbing in Owen’s River Gorge outside Bishop, California. Unusually warm sunny days provided perfect conditions. Piñons campsite Canyon view from elblow room Canyon moonrise Lower gorge entrance River crossing Hiking out Our routes: Phoenix 5.7, Iceberg 5.9, PD Time 5.7, Pet…