Day 15 – Miller Lake to Washakie Creek
We had concocted a plan where I would take off on my own into the Cirque of the Towers today, but since I’m still not feeling fully recovered from my illness I cancel it. It’s nice to stay with the group and see Ann’s parents at our Big Sandy resupply. Swarms of mosquitoes have started…
Day 14 – Station Creek to Miller Lake
I’m still feel a little sick in the morning, but able to hike. On our way out of camp a Moose crossed the road in front of us. We meet an excited trail crew on their way out, with news about some almost-finished new CDT tread to Big Sandy. We consider trying it, but opt…
Day 13 – South Pass City to Station Creek
Ann is with us again, and we meet San Gabriel in South Pass City, a northbounder headed for Lander to resupply. He hikes to the highway with us and swaps a few tales. My breakfast is not sitting well, and gets worse through the day of navigating small backroads. By the end I only want…
Day 12 – Rock Creek Ditch to South Pass City
It’s not far to go into South Pass City today, but there are surprises. As we approach a rise suddenly two small antelope are running full steam toward us with no sign of stopping. By the we register it it’s too late, but the antelope start and swerve away at the last second. Still processing…
Day 11 – Coin Camp Spring to Rock Creek Ditch
The country feels more wild as we descend Willow Creek, and the Sweetwater River canyon has a very remote feel. It’s a great change of scenery, but the uneven terrain on the banks is hard on Pete’s knee. At first we cross the river reluctantly, but soon do so whenever convenient. It’s usually only thigh…
Day 10 – Tick Mesa to Coin Camp Spring
We encounter no ticks overnight, but in the morning they’re everywhere. We decide Green Mesa ought to be Tick Mesa. Unexpectedly we encounter some people. Jeremy from Wheatland is out in his truck exploring Wyoming’s vast public lands. He says you can drive to Rawlins from here without hitting a fence. A rancher from Lander…
Day 9 – Crooks Creek to Green Mesa
Ann’s parents have found the trail crossing near Crooks Gap! They’ve strung up a tarp for shade, making a little oasis for us. A hot meal and cold drink top us off. I say goodbye to Ann, and Pete and I set off again. Quickly the terrain changes as we climb into the Crooks Mountains.…
Day 8 – Separation Rim to Crooks Creek
All day we follow the buried pipeline across the great basin. The linear route and the vast spaces boggle the mind. We select the next rise as a goal, which sometimes takes hours to reach. Tick checks punctuate the day. Ann’s feet are in pain, and she decides she’ll take a break and exit with…
Day 7 – Rawlins to Separation Rim
Posted from Jackson Hole, where we’re resting up for the final push! There’s a new route that mostly stays off highway 287, which is very nice, but adds 4 miles I hadn’t accounted for. This makes for a long day, especially once we start to follow a buried gas pipeline across the basin. You can…
Day 6 – Rawlins
I’m going to add our cumulative wildlife sightings so far to the stats. Maybe I can track them by day from here. A day spent at the Rawlins KOA with Bob and Carol is remarkably rich and busy. We clean ourselves, package supplies for the next section, fine tune gear, tie everything down in the…