Private Islands Magazine Map
This was a small project done earlier this year, one of a few instances where I was hired to customize the content of the info window. That work eventually led me to the idea for the info window template feature, which puts this kind of result within an educated user’s grasp. The newer interactive legend…
Expanding Development News
I’ve been working on a lot of cool projects, mostly related to Geo Mashup, that I’d like to start writing about here. I’ll profile sites I’ve worked on, noting innovative implementations and their influence on my open source projects. I’ll also continue to post release announcements here. If you only want to receive Geo Mashup…
Recovery Walk to Java Joe’s
I’ve rested my legs for a couple of weeks and taken a course of ibuprofen. Today I try a little 4-mile round trip to one of our local coffee shops to see how walking feels. The results are mixed. My knee feels fine, but my left hamstring has odd, subtle pull in it that seemed…
The Box near Socorro, Waterfall Wall
No one had ever mentioned this climbing area to us, but in our book it looked like a good place to continue our gentle return to climbing. It’s perfect! The Waterfall Wall has an array of “easy” topropes right next to the parking area, and the weather warms up just for the weekend. Climbing still…
WordPress Geo Mashup Release 1.2.2
Yes, another one! In today’s episode, I learn not to speak English. But for those in a hurry, if you have 1.2.1 running, this isn’t a crucial upgrade. If you had any trouble installing 1.2.1, try 1.2.2. WordPress provides some help to plugins that need to upgrade their tables, but it often causes some silent…
WordPress Geo Mashup Release 1.2.1
Whew, this one has been educational for me. It began with the discovery that the data conversion process in 1.2 was not compatible with MySQL 4, despite appearances to the contrary in the old manuals. Lesson 1: as long as I can afford a test bed on MySQL 4, keep it around. As I worked…
Overlook Climbing
Just as Ann was getting back into the swing of hiking, I decided to rest my knee, which has been hard for both of us. But we think we might each be able to manage some easy climbing, so we make our way to the friendly and accessible White Rock Overlook area. The weather smiles…
WordPress Geo Mashup Release 1.2
Feedback on 1.2beta2 has been good, so I have released 1.2. It’s working like a champ on a number of production sites already. This is the best Geo Mashup release so far, I think, largely because several organizations have hired me for Geo Mashup-related work, which has really helped the quality of the plugin. Individual…
Why o why did I not take any pictures of this year’s friend-contributed meal gathering in Fort Collins? I think I’ve forgotten about my camera while I’m resting my knee. As if it were a knee-operated device. But I will remember anyway that I finally got some of the beating coming to me for being…
Perea Nature Trail
On our way home we investigate this short nature trail. It looks like it’s geared toward bird watching, and there aren’t many birds now. I wonder if my leg will feel better after a short rest, but unfortunately it doesn’t.