Cactus Spine Injury
We were getting ready to climb at El Rito this weekend, when I noticed an irritating cactus spine injury on my ankle was painful enough to make me limp. The injury was already two weeks old, red, and inflamed. After some research and soliciting some advice, I decided to stay off of it for a…
WordPress Geo Mashup Release 1.1
This release has all the features of 1.1 Beta 3, and some bug fixes. If you’re upgrading from 1.0.6, have a look at the documentation first – you’ll have to update your existing tags after the upgrade. Geo Mashup now uses WordPress standards for tags, so hopefully this will be the last change of that…
Atalaya / Picacho Loop Hike
Tom and I both have physical problems today, so he proposes a shorter hike in his local stomping grounds. His knee has been acting up, and I have a cactus wound on my ankle that’s inflamed. We’re happy to manage this hike, during which Tom takes me to all the best viewpoints and relates local…
Cerro Grande Hike
We stay parked at Las Conchas by the Cattle Call Wall for a stormy, rainy night. A few other wayward souls see us there and join us, and in the morning a variety of breakfasts are cooked by the fence. After eating our burrito bowls Ann chooses a hike for the day up Cerro Grande.…
Gilman Tunnels Climbing Attempt
Will this be our last time repeating this mistake? I hope so. We head to a new area in the camper, at night, after a birthday dinner. The Gilman tunnels are remnants from a narrow gauge railroad that burrowed through the steep canyon walls of the Guadalupe Box. It’s an ominous looking place in the…
Sheep’s Head Peak Loop
Tom invites me out for one of his favorite hikes. This one is packed with beautiful streams, lakes, peaks, and ridges. To add a little spice, a cold front is predicted to hit in the afternoon sometime, triggering heavy storms. We get just a taste of it to remind us that such hikes in August…
After Work Session at the New New Place
Ann rallies after to work to join our climbing friend Jason at the New New Place outside White Rock for climbing. It would be easy to snuff at this place. It’s full of graffiti, tire art at the bottom of the hill, and fairly short routes. So I’m surprised when I like it. Nearly every…
Campsite Survey
I volunteer to go out with Forest Service coordinator Craig Saum to survey some campsites along a forest road in the Jemez range. We head out with a $13,000 Trimble asset surveyor and drive deep into the Jemez backcountry. This area is used so lightly, all but one of the campsites we find look like…
Diablo Canyon Climbing
We decide to camp out close to home at Diablo Canyon this weekend. There’s not much sacrifice involved. Wildflowers of almost every kind we’ve seen in the past month anywhere are blooming here. We have no trouble finding climbs in the shade, and while there are more people around here, most don’t stay long. We’re…
Bandelier Overnight Hike
Despite all the outdoor time and mileage I’ve been enjoying, the craving for a multi-day outing has continued to grow in me. The weekend climbing trips in the camper definitely satisfy part of the desire, but when my mind wanders back to past backpack trips, the image of putting up a shelter and lying down…