Holy Saturday Climbing, Vedauwoo
Clare and Dennis come up for Clare’s birthday, and accompany me to Vedauwoo on a warm bluebird Sunday for some big crack climbing. The Holy Saturday formation provides the goods. We only hit two climbs, but they provide plenty of material: Hideaway Chimney 5.5 is nice and long, incredibly varied, and holds plenty of surprises…
Cleaning up tornado damage
I spend the day at my friend Mike’s house, demolishing what’s left of one of the six buildings he lost to a recent tornado. We had to cut it up and pack it into a big dumpster.
Jurassic Park Climbing
A group of climbing friends and acquaintances enjoy a day of Vedauwoo adventure together at the Jurassic Park wall. The day’s routes: Lawyer on the Toilet 5.8 – my only lead, one or two good offwidth moves. Get Up That Tree 5.8 – climb the scary chockstones. Rowdy Joe Bad 11b – cranky slab on…
Green Mountain Loop Hike
Too cold and windy in Vedauwoo for climbing, our band of hardy adventurers sets out on a scouting mission and winds up circling the high peaks of the area.
Sunset Time Lapse
Something about outdoor time lapse photography really grabs me. Just going out my back door to capture this sunset made me feel more a part of my world, and looking at it does the same:
Pine Valley Ranch Hike
My dad is excited to share his discovery of this pretty trailhead on the North Fork of the South Platte River. We hike south from the Jefferson County open space park into Pike National Forest through Ponderosa forests and old burn areas. Pine Valley Ranch Loop Hike at EveryTrail
Live Music: CSO performs Carmina Burana
I could never attend too many performances of Carl Orff’s Carmina Burana. This was my third, and as always I left hungry for more. The songs rut with the passions of life: nature, sex, alcohol, and love. All sandwiched in by fickle Fate. Duane Wolfe’s conducting felt a little too reserved to begin with, but…
Movie: Black Snake Moan (2007)
Similar in setting and theme to Come Early Morning, but a bit more extreme with rockin’ performances that keep these seriously messed up characters real. Enjoy watching the blind lead the naked to redemption.
Pentitente Canyon Rendevous
Ann has been in Sante Fe a month now. I’ve spent much of that month looking forward to meeting her this weekend in Penitente Canyon. It takes about 3 seconds after I arrive Saturday morning to sink into a blissful reunion. We spend some hiking and climbing in cool but pleasant weather, and the next…
Buttonrock Climbing
I join Kate, Mark, and Sean at Buttonrock for the mostly blissfully warm and sunny climbing day so far this season. A day out that is warm and sunny all day long. BLISS. My routes: Green Slab 5.9+ I try to warm up on this, and take a pretty good fall! A reminder that the…