Pi is wrong!
I’m still rummaging through my copy of Where Mathematics Comes From, reveling in each revolutionary detail. It represents such an upheaval in my understanding of math, I started feeling more free to question basic mathematical concepts. Lately I’ve been wondering about the mystical value of Pi. Why do we divide a circle’s circumference by its…
Afternoon showers make good fishing
I don’t know if these guys have heard the weather forecast of snowstorms on the way, but they seem unusually willing to let me watch them at their business of catching lots of fish. The whole pond is full of fishers, 3 herons, the pelican, ducks, and geese. I stop and watch for quite a…
Ann’s Birthday at the Spa Motel
The Spa Motel in Pagosa Springs has been a favorite of ours for a long time. It’s the alternative to the much more shishi “The Springs Resort” across the street. The place is funky and tacky in the best way, and the hot pools add pure bliss to the mix. “Taking the waters” sounds like…
Duct Tape Non-scratch Hobo Ass Patch
The latest fashion from Kate Calder has been applied to these threadbare downscale brand name convertible cargo pants. An inside layer of duct tape makes the ass patch waterproof, scratchproof, bulletproof, and resistant to hot air and unwanted jobs. With a Sociometry Fair 2000 tee by Bergman Arts, it should be noted that when worn…
Different Birds?
I’ve been trying since I moved here to get a decent picture of a Great Blue Heron, but they’re so shy here that I’ve never been able to sneak up on one. Finally I noticed one had taken up residence in a pond near the bike trail, and seemed to be getting accustomed to people…
Live Music: CSO and Johannes Moser
Our favorite conductor Jeffrey Kahane has a substitute again, who announces only that Jeffrey is ill. We miss him, and worry that it must be serious. Not only because we’ve been looking forward to his scheduled performances of Beethoven’s piano concertos for a year, but also having witnessing him become a singular human vessel for…
Ann’s Prebirthday Party
Ann made a special request this year for angel’s food cake with strawberries. She even provided the strawberries, but alas, my cake was less than angelic. The strawberries alone saved it from a fate as dense and dry as a Mojave arroyo. Luckily my Dad, keeping his reputation as a resplendent birthday maker, came through…
My employer is converting to wind power
Colorado State University committed in print today to convert the entire Fort Collins campus where I work to 100% wind energy. Things like this are why I feel good and even excited to work here, and why I’ve stuck with this job for so long (for me).
Foothills Sunset
Rays of golden light caught my attention and lured me outside with the camera, despite my sore body. This is a pre-spring sunset. None of the green was around a week ago. Evening clouds have only started showing up, along with long rain storms that summon thousands of earthworms from the ground. A couple of…
Been Sick
I figured a couple of days at home with a head cold would help me catch up with the blog, but no, I sat in my lazy boy and practiced zero motivation. Managed to log in and do a little bit of my paying job, and that’s all. Other than being sick, though, it was…