Category: General

  • Dusted

    We awake to the buzz of a low-flying plane, and it’s not the kind that the Reverend Horton Heat sings about. The cornfield next to is getting a dose of pesticide, and as far as we can tell, so are we. As people who go to great lengths and expense to avoid eating pesticides or…

  • 34 and counting

    Never sure what Ann will spring on me for my birthday, I accompany her to Marcus & Esther’s to grill dinner in their backyard. There are many presents for me, I’m informed, all hidden outdoors around the house. I provide the evening’s entertainment climbing trees and peering underneath various objects for my gifts. It’s great…

  • Birthday Camp

    This overnight outing is partially to celebrate my upcoming birthday – #34. Once again Dad showers me with wrapped gifts that he calls “mere trifles”, but include many things from REI that will help support my outdoor habits for years to come. We drink a toast, eat some cake, and crawl gratefully into our sleeping…

  • d & e get hitched

    This is the third wedding Ann and I have attended since our own, all quite different. The common thing is that we always feel like we’re saying our own vows to each other again, along with the bride and groom. It’s refreshing. It was also an honor to be present at Doug & Elizabeth’s ceremony.…

  • Cousin Dougie’s Bachelor Party

    In keeping with the time-honored tradition of comitting the events of a bachelor party to utter secrecy, I shan’t post about it on my blog. Well, not the best bits anyway. Frisbee golf – that won’t upset anyone. I kind of like the game, to my surprise, but not because I’m any good at it.…

  • Indian Valley Campground

    Our accomodations for the week are provided by the Indian Valley Campground on the Thornapple River outside Caledonia, MI. During the week it’s a peaceful, sleepy place. The Thornapple is so calm here I can’t tell which direction it’s flowing. Birds seem to love it here, and we see cardinals, mourning doves, and catbirds. Ann…

  • Meijer’s Gardens

    I wouldn’t have guessed that we’d be dazzled by cactus in Michigan, but it happens at Meijer’s Gardens in Grand Rapids. This place surprises us with interesting art, many diverse plants and animals, good walking, and even a giant horse. It’s the perfect place to meet after our family reunion luncheon. We can all stroll,…

  • Bay City River Roar

    We happen to be in Bay City during a major event, the River Roar. This is an outboard motorboat race, where boats that can accelerate from 0 to 100 mph in 3 seconds and top 130 mph circle a tight 1-mile course on the 700-ft wide Saginaw River. Mom has an invite to a dockside…

  • Empty Building

    While it might evoke mixed emotions from Bay City residents, I found this abandoned building on the Saginaw River rather beautiful. The missing window panes and complex internal structures are a feast of detail for the eye.

  • Flying to Michigan

    It’s the first time Ann and I have traveled by airplane together. We find our likes and dislikes in airports to be similar, thankfully, as they are in most things. We like our friend Sean for dropping us off (saving parking or shuttle woes), prefer the much shorter security line at Denver International that requires…