Category: General

  • Tiny Balloon – First Commute Picture

    I love my current bicycle commute along the Cache La Poudre River in Fort Collins, Colorado. A while back I thought I’d like to have some pictures of it, especially as the seasons change, to remember it by. This is the first execution of that idea. There’s a hot air balloon above the horizon. It…

  • My Second First Birthday Party

    I can’t remember much about my first one, but at this one lots of tots got to compete for the good toys while the bigger, slower folks stuffed their faces with extra-garlicy hummus, fruit & veggies, and carrot cupcakes. The boy of honor, Dyson, seemed a little indifferent toward his presents, but his parents were…

  • Introducing the hobomap!

    The hobomap is here, and in the pages menu. Try it out! I’m very excited about this. For a long time I’ve wanted a good way to map my outings and adventures. The WordPress Geo Plugin provides a way to map a single post, which I’ve made use of for some time, but I always…

  • Candy Apple Red

    These bright red, berry-like fruits have been abundant everywhere we’ve hiked in the past month. I’ve sampled a few, and they’ve been slightly sweet and mealy so far, but supposedly they improve with a frost or two. I’ve seen so many I’ve considered harvesting a bag to see if they make good snacks dried. Know…

  • Fo Shizzle

    You may not know that all the writing on the hobolog has been run through a language filter that translates the content to be “appropriate for good clean american families with a mid-sized vocabulary.” If you want to see what the original content looks like, use this link, but don’t blame me if you find…

  • Name the wild berry

    These attractive berries have been abundant everywhere we’ve hiked in northern Colorado and southern Wyoming recently. They look tasty, but most of them have a strong astringent flavor. The seeds and leaves can be mildly toxic and shouldn’t be eaten. Dried, the berries were a distinctive ingredient of pemmican.

  • Name the wildflower

    I’ve been seeing these in the Northern Colorado foothills for a few weeks. They tend to appear in thick stands, usually not too far from water. Thanks again to Al Schneider from for the help identifiying this one, though I don’t think there’s an example on his site yet. He said it’s minty –…

  • Book: The Five People You Meet In Heaven / Mitch Albom

    The first book I’ve read in a while that fizzled for me – at least it’s short. This is a little fairy tale along the lines of A Christmas Carol, where people from the character’s life show it to him from different angles. Seemed to me like it’s been done already.

  • Name the wild berry

    I guessed that these scrumptious-looking berries were probably edible, because when I broke one open the small round seed looked just like the ones in a big pile of bear scat we saw near Greyrock a couple of weeks ago. I didn’t try them, of course. There are a lot of berries in the upper…

  • Name the big wierd plant

    We saw this plant growing by the trail on Long’s Peak just above timberline. It has me stumped so far. I have a guess as to the family it belongs to, but I can’t find anything that seems like a good match in my usual resources. This specimen was nearly three feet tall, and there…