Category: General

  • New Site for Mom

    A number of years ago I helped my mom get set up with a web host and a copy of Dreamweaver, and she managed to build a website for her business. She always described it as “a little funky”. Navigation and broken links were always a problem, and she struggled sometimes with presenting the many…

  • Agitated Peace

    The reason I was up at 4:30 am this morning was to attend a ’20 minutes for peace’ meditation, which was billed as a 20-minute period of silence to take place around the world at noon Greenwich Mean Time. I usually abhor rallies and like activities, but this sounded like something I could handle. I…

  • It could mean anything, no?

    It’s 4:30 am, time for profound thoughts. I know it’s customary in many cultures to end questions with the word ‘no’. The word ‘no’ can even be a question in itself. I just had this little dialog with Ann: Ann: Would you like a piece of toast? Me: No. Ann: No? Me: Silence. Brain stuck…

  • A Narrow Escape

    You would think from my Christmas post that we had a cozy, uneventful family Christmas. How nice. In reality, we nearly suffered 3rd-degree burns, lost T-Rex, flooded the kitchen, and burned ourselves and the house up in a ball of flame. I’m thankful that we’ve all survived December 25th without major injuries.

  • Merry Christmas

    …from T-Rex. (And from us blurry folks at Lola’s table too…)

  • 30 seconds of fame

    It may be a sad statement about our collective yearning for attention. Or it may be an innovative way to discover kindred spirits out there in the blogging world. I haven’t decided, but I did join Blog Explosion today out of curiosity. The deal is simple: you look at other people’s blogs and they will…

  • Spontaneous Floorboard Perspiration

    When I was living in a tent this summer I often experienced something that might be described as perspiration on the floor (though I always called it condensation). I’d never imagined any such thing could happen in a wooden house, though, much less underneath a heavy futon mattress. I thought we’d rented a far less…

  • hobolog makeover

    I’ve added a few ideas for the hobolog that have been rattling around in my head for a while now. Something new to look at, a simplified post viewer on the right, a style-switcher so you can go back to the old look if you like. Please let me know if anything isn’t working properly.

  • Movie: The Shape of Things

    This movie ambitiously portrays an artist wielding the power of truth as a sculpting tool. It’s clearly an adaptation of a stage play, and has both gems and stinkers in the dialogue. It’s a thought-provoking film, but takes a pretty dismal view of people in general. Even the artist, the only one who sees the…

  • Comments are back

    Thanks to some good tips from the Radical Wacko, the hobolog is now armed with spam-fighting software that should post real comments immediately, while suppressing and doing battle with spam comments.