Category: General

  • Charcoal Kilns

    On our way down from the Telescope Peak trailhead we stop to peer at these odd constructions. Designed by Swiss engineers and built by Chinese laborers, these kilns burned piñon pines into charcoal for the Modock mine 30 miles south. They were operated for three years, then left as perches for the ravens and whatever…

  • New Look, New Guts

    The folks at WordPress have finally made enough improvements to the b2 blogging software I was using to entice me to upgrade. They ship with a pretty nice looking layout, I think, so I just made a few tweaks to hobo-ize it and called it home. It will require more tweaking I’m sure before it’s…

  • Yoga

    I went to a yoga class with Ann after work. Yoga makes me feel undisciplined, stiff, and weak. It requires a big effort. But my body is thirsty for it. It wants more.

  • Jack O’Lantern

    Tonight Ann brought a pumpkin home from the store, scooped it out, and let me carve it 😈

  • So Far, So Fabulous

    Keeping our promise to our friend and wedding guest Michael Burton, Ann and I open the bottle of peach champagne he gave us while we are enjoying the high Sierra air. It’s a nice reminder that while we still face many challenges in our lives, facing them together is MUCH better than alone. And also…

  • vote,work,wagon wheel

    I started the day at the polls, voting my Libertarian conscience in the California Recall Gubanatorial Field Day. Then I went to work – yesterday I emailed a colleague and she came through instantly with a couple weeks worth of coding for me to do! So I got to spend the day learning Objective C…

  • exercise

    We stopped for some healthful groceries after our 25-mile bike ride.

  • Wagon Wheel Festivities

    The gang gathers to crank some problems, have a few drinks, play some music, throw some grub on the grill, and generally celebrate life with boulders.

  • Don’t take a ride in Raleigh

    Cyclists across the nation have reacted with furor to reports, widely disseminated on the Internet, that a Raleigh, NC radio station (G105) owned by Clear Channel Communications recently advocated violence against cyclists, including suggestions of how to run cyclists off the road. On two morning shows last week, the disc jockeys encouraged listeners to call…

  • Off to Vegas!

    I’m munching pizza whilst getting ready to drive to that jewel in the desert – Vegas. Actually, we’re going to Red Rocks State Park, then I’m signed up for my friend Steve’s bachelor party at the Monte Carlo. Ted might come along. Much potential and few plans. (Ann says Ted says he’s not coming. I…