Category: General

  • Feedster

    Today I discovered the blog search engine Feedster, because I was getting some referrals from it. This is cool – a search engine that actually indexes current content. For instance, I typed in “Swiss Arete” and got my trip report from two days ago. I guess b2 must be sending RSS content there for me.…

  • Tenosynovitis & dislocating tendon

    This is the official diagnosis of my ankle after an ultrasound examination by my new podiatrist, Dr. Horn. Tenosynovitis is irritation and swelling of the sheath around tendons. I need to take anti-inflammatory drugs and rest the ankle for three weeks minimum, then ease back into activities. The dislocating tendon will continue to move around.…

  • Off to Mt. Sill

    We’re off to the Swiss Arete on Mt. Sill! Ann’s first try for a 14-er, and my first in a year…

  • Have faith in cardboard

    Sitting by an onramp with a cardboard sign my be a great career move.

  • Lunar Eclipse at Wagon Wheel

    Another sight to add to the amazing things I’ve seen at Wagon Wheel, the area where I boulder. The moon rose over the desert hills already well into the earth’s shadow, and put on a three hour show.

  • The Hobo Is Dead. Long Live the Hobo.

    This is a great paper on hobos. Although it may classify me as a recreational hobo, or worse, a yuppie hobo, it brings to attention the factors that created hobos: unemployment and small, dispersed work opportunities. Even though the original “hoe-boy” hobo really is gone, the same forces exist today. Perhaps instead of creating hobohemias…

  • amen brother

    Seen on Wilshire Blvd., a major thoroughfare in Los Angeles, California: Tired homeless man carrying a cardboard sign “Homeless, hungry, please help. God bless.” Which he flips over to reveal “Or, visit my website at” more off-color hobo humor

  • Rio Maggiore

    My morning post reminded me of this picture of Rio Maggiore, location of several such joyous mornings. There are streets and stairways lurching up among the stacks of apartments in steep and crazy wandering lines. I liked to spend the day exploring upwards, then as my energy waned I would drift naturally down to the…

  • jasmine green coffee

    This morning I didn’t scrub my coffee cup out quite well enough, so my coffee tastes like jasmine green tea. Hobos may ACT like they would glady stomach any coffee-like concoction, but I think at heart we’re coffee snobs. Nothing will make a person more appreciative of the vast differences in java brews than wide…

  • Mom’s New Self-Published Book!

    My Mom, dynamo that she is, has just written, illustrated, self-published, and is now self-marketing a new book, What’s On the Beach. It’s packed with her artwork and expertise on Great Lakes nature, and looks like FUN too. I can’t wait to read it. She needs all the help she can get, so if you…