Category: Outings

  • Lava Tube Caving

    None of our small family gathering have any experience caving, so there’s some trepidation as we start toward the “cave loop” at Lava Beds National Monument with headlamps in our pockets. The gang sets out As it turns out the first “easy” cave we hit is the longest one – a full kilometer underground. The…

  • Lava Beds Three Sisters Loop

    Dad and I enjoy a 7-mile loop hike on nice pumice trail that is really almost 11 miles. No matter, our talking makes the walking go by all too fast. We do make sure to notice that the lava landscape defies our usual expectations of eroded land forms – here gullies run straight into hills…

  • Big Chief Perusal

    Ann and I finally made it up to the Big Chief crag for a little climbing. This place has a great out-of-the-way feel, and though I’ve read that the rock is basalt it feels very different from other basalt cliffs in the area, almost like it was made of molten aluminum dribbled into a great…

  • Friday Thomas Creek Cragging

    Wes joins Ann and I for an early work departure for Thomas creek crag, verifying that this is a viable workday climbing destination, and the climbing here is fun enough to bear repeated visits. Whoop! 2012-09-07 16.14.39 2012-09-07 16.15.34 2012-09-07 16.15.36 2012-09-07 17.01.54 Routes: Brits on Holaday 5.8, Spit 5.10c TR, Spat 5.10b TR

  • Picnic Climbing at Thomas Creek

    We choose to stay close to home this labor day weekend. We’ve never been to our closest neighborhood crag, so today we pack up sandwiches and check it out. It looks like we might have it to ourselves, but fortunately Ann hears voices up top. We stand back and watch a guy wearing a bluetooth…

  • Sneaking in to 90-foot wall

    We’ve been scheming for over a year now climb at 90 foot wall. This little collection of easily toproped cracks is an easy hike from the most popular trailhead on lake Tahoe at Eagle Creek. The first few times we came here, we didn’t even get parked. The first time it took us 20 minutes…

  • Lovely Luther Rocks

    It feels like we’re really sinking into late summer and soaking up all we can. While huge fires blaze to the north, we settle in at the big meadow campground and try not to twitch too much as campers chop wood and fill the air with smoke. Bliss comes in the mornings as cooler days…

  • After Work Hike to Hunter Falls

    In what may be our first “hike night”, we pick John up from the Reno Collective and hike to the Hunter creek falls. There’s still a bit of smoke visible high in the sky, but the temperature and breeze are about as blissful as they come. At the falls See what happens when you take…

  • Round Lake Loop Hike

    Ann invites Jenn & Johnny on a little 6 mile hike that somehow ends up closer to ten. We all seem to agree that more is better in this case. We find some sulphur shelf mushrooms – my first batch in the Sierras, and a big one! Round Lake Sulphur shelf mushrooms Afterward we wish…

  • Luther Spires with Hitek Homeless

    One strange thing about living and working from a camper for a year is that we knew of several other couples doing the same thing, but we were always in different places. Now that we’ve stayed in one place for a while one of them finally came within range and we finally get to meet…