Category: Outings

  • Mid Hills Run

    Today Ann and I split up – for a few hours. She does the 9 mile trail hike from the Hole in the Wall campground to Mid Hills, while I move the camper and run back to join her. This campground is high and airy, and I find a site with fantastic views. Mid Hills…

  • Barber Peak Loop, Mojave National Preserve

    Some leaking transmission fluid under our truck and a weak camper battery make us question our plan to spend Thanksgiving in the remote Mojave National Preserve. We decide neither problem is too serious, and head out for the Hole-in-the-Wall campground. We arrive at sundown, with just enough time for a short exploration of Banshee canyon.…

  • No Flood in the El Pasos

    Looking forward to a quiet thanksgiving week, we pack the camper and head south toward the Mojave. Desert Driving Break Harlequins and Mallards greet us for a break in Bishop. Harlequins and Mallard in Bishop And our friend Ted greets us for some long overdue grilling and yakking. The weather turns stormy when we get…

  • Eagle Lake and Vikingsholm

    Note: posted 19 days post-outing. Twice now we’ve gone to the Emerald Bay trailheads on lake Tahoe to hike or climb and instead found ourselves fleeing crowds, mayhem, and full parking lots. A visit from our friend Peter prompts us to get up early on a chilly day to beat the rush and explore the…

  • Mount Tallac

    Posted 13 days after the fact. Amazing autumn weather gives us a chance to do this classic hike in the Desolation Wilderness before it’s snowed in. We’re joined by Uri, a visitor from Israel whose good humor and conversation enhances the experience. We stay in the camper nearby and walk to the trailhead in the…

  • Tobico Marsh Loop

    Note: posting this 18 days after the fact – catching up! Mom and I gathered mushrooms in the Tobico marsh last year around this time also – maybe it will become a tradition. It’s too late for the sulphur shelves this year, but Mom finds enough gypsies for a good snack when we get home!…

  • Ophir Creek Bushwhack

    Ann and I are in the mood to gain some elevation today, but the past week’s snowstorm has me concerned about conditions at higher elevations. The Ophir creek trailhead starts at 5,000 feet, which I figure will keep us out of serious snow. Ophir Creek Trailhead There are some rose hips by the creek, but…

  • Granite Chief

    The weather looks so threatening that we’re certain we’ll be turned back on this hike, but to our surprise the rain and thunder never come. We get a little tour of the famous Squaw Valley ski area, but hike out of bounds where the plant life is still lush and berries especially are flourishing. The…

  • Peavine After Work

    Ann is looking for a good hill climb that is close enough to Reno to hit after work. People disparage Peavine as being ugly, but we enjoy a steep climb and the dreamy charm of desert hills at twilight. Peavine Hill Climb Peavine Dusk High Point Reno Lights

  • Abel Creek Pass Loop

    I’m eager to see more of the Santa Rosa-Paradise Peak wilderness, and another volunteer named Mike offers to join me. I warn him that I’m considering some bushwhacking, and he tackles it gamely, even when it turns out to be a LOT of bushwhacking. Our first climb to a ridge up a steep sage-covered slope…