Category: Outings

  • Thomas Creek Hike

    I’m curious about the trail along Thomas Creek because it’s the only one on the map that reaches the ridge that leads to Mount Rose. It’s also the most difficult trailhead to access on a bumpy forest road that crosses the creek once over several miles of climbing. We stop short, and find the trailhead…

  • Aspen Four Passes Loop

    My cousins Doug and Liz invite me to join them on a backpack trip with their friends Dave and Shantel in the wildflower wonderland of the Maroon Bells. Who could say no to that? The logistics get a little complicated, but Dad hands me off successfully and we leave the Maroon Lake trailhead right on…

  • Castle and Conundrum Peaks

    Dad suggests a couple of peaks he’d like to see in the Elk range, and we manage to reach more than one Conundrum. Again we pack in for an overnight, and I begin one conundrum by leaving the truck lights on when we embark. Our embarcation point Hiking Castle Creek road Base Camp Dawn brings…

  • Mount Edwards and Grays Peak Overnight

    My dad suggests this overnight outing with an unusual approach to Grays Peak, the highest peak on the continental divide. We start in a valley to the west of the peak after six miles of bumpy road driving. Climbing meadows covered in wildflowers, we reach our last opportunity to camp just as thundershowers move in.…

  • Donner Pass – heat escape at grouse slab

    Donner Pass is a good spot for hot days. The shady roadside crags are crowded, but grouse slab is a little out of the way and fairly quiet. We get ourselves to the crag early enough to catch a couple of routes in the shade. One other couple from the bay area joins us until…

  • Woodfords Canyon

    We’ve explored quite a few crags in our neighborhood, but I’m still curious about this one to the south that is not in our area guidebook. Armed with some beta from mountain project, Ann and I drive south to have a look. We find the crag I’m looking for, but even better, a couple who…

  • Summery Hunter Creek After Work

    There is a completely different arrangement of wildflowers in bloom on Hunter Creek from our hike last month. Instead of Mule’s Ear and Western Peony, we find bright Snowy Thistle and an orange hummingbird flower I don’t recognize. There are surprisingly few people out enjoying the warm evening. I do another bike/hike combo, meeting Ann…

  • Echo Lake Hike

    It’s supposed to be hot today and I’m inspired to go further into the mountains. We negotiate the west shore of Lake Tahoe, which is totally mobbed, especially at Emerald Bay, continuing to Echo Lake, a small lodge I remember as the one Pacific Crest Trail resupply point where our package never showed up in…

  • Jones Creek to Whites Creek Loop

    The Galena Creek trailhead made a good impression on us last weekend, so we return for a longer loop hike today. Between the creeks we climb to higher ground, recently covered with snow. Fresh pine smells, a cool breeze, bright red snow plants, flowering Oregon grape, and a few Snowbank Clitocybe mushrooms greet us up…

  • Trippy rock climbing over Lake Tahoe

    High temperatures have made a big difference in snow levels, so we return to the small but scenic Trippy Rock to climb in the sun with great views of Lake Tahoe. Another friendly group shares ropes with us, and afterward we drive down to the shores of the lake. I’ll never forget the views I…