Category: Outings

  • Pumped Out on Chuckawalla Wall

    We stop for some quick climbing on the way into Saint George at Chuckawalla Wall. The steep, pocket-filled wall spits me off on my second route. After a rest I make it to the top, then barely manage to repeat it on toprope. If we stay in town much, this spot will provide excellent strength…

  • Getting the Hang of Boondocking – Prophesy Wall

    When the weather clears up, we’re ready to get out of town and on the rock again. Since we’re now familiar with the Prophesy Wall area, snagging the best campsite near the wall is much easier. Now the situation is very nice – we’re stocked up, charged up, have a good phone signal, and are…

  • Chuckawalla Trails

    We figure we have plenty of flexibility to wait the recommended 24 hours after rain to climb the local sandstone, but we’re curious about Chuckawalla Wall, an overhanging face just north of Saint George that is covered with easy-to-access sport climbs. There are trails to hike there too, so we go out just to take…

  • Gardner Trail

    Dad wants to see some of the mountain country here, so we explore up Pine Valley road. The campgrounds here are still under snow drifts, and the road is closed at the Pine Valley reservoir. It’s a bit of a shock to encounter snow after all our recent desert pursuits. Hiking to the south and…

  • Snow Canyon State Park, Utah

    We move to this park north of Saint George for a couple of days. There is climbing here, and at least a couple of paved trails Dad is allowed to walk dogs on. The campground is pretty busy which may account for the strict rule enforcement – we get a lecture for letting our cat…

  • Barefoot to Angel’s Landing

    The time has come at last for a walk in Zion National Park. This is an iconic hike, like Half Dome at Yosemite. On hikes like this I begin with images already in my head, which makes the experience quite different from most hikes. The imagery matches my mental image, which almost makes it harder…

  • Sandy Hollow State Park, Utah

    We weren’t very interested in this park, but my dad camped here to wait for us, so we agree to a couple of nights. The drive through sparse neighborhoods and expanses of sagebrush before the rocks and dunes come into view. These look cooler than I expected – the sand is a really bright orange.…

  • Lake Havasu City Party Zone

    Ann convinces me to go with her to the Lake Havasu City beach, where boats can dock and alcohol consumption is allowed. I’m still in my desert canyon hiking clothes, and couldn’t be more out of place. Nearly everyone around is overweight, and it is ALL hangin’ out on display. We see a crowd of…

  • Crack in the Wall Slot Canyon

    Ann finds information about a slot canyon hike near Lake Havasu City, which includes warnings about small dropoffs and tight squeezes. We start down the wash and it gradually narrows to a hallway-like passage. The biggest dropoff is pretty easy to climb down, and has a fixed cable hanging nearby for extra reassurance. Likewise it…

  • Island Loop Hike

    We land at Ann’s friend Lana’s house in Lake Havasu City, plunking the camper down next to the garage. Her daughter Jana takes us across the town’s famous London Bridge (a bridge relocated from London to its much sunnier home) to a paved loop walk on the island in Lake Havasu. Jana shows us the…