Category: Outings

  • Dorothy Stewart / Picacho Loop

    The weather is NASTY when we leave the house – windy, rainy, and cold. We decide that bad weather is a good time to make use of the popular trailheads near town, and indeed there are a couple of parking spots available at the Dorothy Stewart trailhead. As we get underway the sun comes out,…

  • Atalaya Storm Watching

    Ann and I head up Atalaya after work. We get to the trailhead just as a storm is leaving, and as we climb we get to watch the next one approach from across the valley. I wonder if that’s what it looks like from a distance when the sun lights up each drop of rain.…

  • Bandelier Capulin Canyon Loop

    We’re shifting our focus from climbing to backpacking in preparation for our Wyoming CDT Hike this July. It’s a great time to do this – desert flowers are coming out, water is generally available, and temperatures are not too hot yet. We take advantage of all these things in Bandelier, starting at the visitor center…

  • Rio en Medio Falls Hike

    This short hike is packed with way more good stuff than I anticipated. It follows the Rio en Medio up to a secluded waterfall. The forest here feels old, maybe because of the giant Ponderosas, some of which are fallen and decaying. The river makes everything lush – in the lower areas some mystery plant…

  • Chamisa Trail

    This evening we hike via a different route to Big Tesuque creek on the Chamisa Trail. The climbs are a little steeper on this hike, and again we have light rain. I stop to get some pictures of the Shootingstar and Alpine Clematis this time.

  • Bear Wallow Loop

    Ann and I take an evening walk in light rain. Flowers are starting to bloom in the wet soil, with shooting stars and alpine clematis dominating. Big Tesuque creek is high enough that we get our feet wet on the lower crossing.

  • Amazing Agave

    Ann and I take an obligatory walk to Java Joe’s to get some air when we happen upon this incredible Agave stalk preparing to bloom: Ann’s photostream has a couple more picture’s at full resolution if you’re a Flickr friend.

  • A Postholy Day in May

    It seems like every summer it gets warm in the valley, the snow disappears from the peaks, and I go running gleefully up into the mountains in shorts, memories of last September fresh in my head. And there I find … LOTS OF LINGERING SNOW. So it is again this year – it takes us…

  • Below the Old New Place

    We’re introduced by our friend Jason to another finely-named after-work White Rock climbing spot. I get to ease back into some trad leading in perfect temperatures. Putterman Cracks 5.9- A very good way to start. Short but continuous, with good pro. Scandanavian Airlines 5.10c Bonus toprope. Arete and face climbing that gets harder with each…

  • Atalaya in the Evening

    It’s a struggle to climb a steep mountain at the end of the day. The perfect temperatures and clean air help, and unwinding afterward feels fantastic. There is a beautiful yucca bloom that I photograph to identify later, but in a moment of distraction I deleted the pictures. Arg.