Category: Outings

  • Mount Falcon Park Hike

    We finish our long weekend in Mount Falcon Park, hiking with Dad and Jezze. It’s still a little chilly out, but the sun feels great. The trails here have expansive views of Denver and the surrounding canyons, and even a few flat rocks for outdoor yoga.

  • Garden of the Gods

    We wake up parked next to highway 115 under clear, cold skies. Climbing still seems unlikely. We drive north to Colorado Springs, and follow many many signs to Garden of the Gods. We’ve both been here before, but never really taken a close look at it. It’s a nice place to hike around, we find,…

  • Sand Gulch – Bank Loop Hike

    A snowstorm slowly settles in, dispelling any notions of rock climbing. We don’t mind too much though. A slow morning feels nice, and the sign by the parking area suggests the possibility of a nice loop hike. We take note of trail and road numbers, then set off into the snow. BLM road 5825 climbs…

  • The Palace, Camera Discovery

    Ann emails Kate and offers to trade me for a pound of stew meat. The deal is made, and I’m carried up to The Palace by Kate and Mark, where we enjoy some routes in pleasantly warm, hazy weather. One of the routes doesn’t even have a slash or a + in the grade! Cheerleaders…

  • Sun & Fun at North Table Mountain

    Mark joins us to meet our friends Clare and Dennis for breakfast and some sport routes. We’re excited that they’re moving to Denver from our prior home of Ridgecrest, California. We get a positively summery day at North Table mountain – Clare has done a good writeup already, so I’ll just sprinkle in a few…

  • Off day at the Palace

    No pictures from me today. While Kate and Mark seem to have a good day, Ann, Sean, and I are all a bit off our game. After warming up on the always good Churchill Rejects 5.9+, I watched Ann and Sean get hacked up on Battle Axe 5.9+, a cantankerous climb with a nice clipping…

  • Vedauwoo – Ann leads Ed’s

    One of Ann’s goals for this season was to lead Ed’s Crack, the classic Vedauwoo 5.7. To set ourselves up for an early start we camp near the Nautilus. The weather in the morning is almost unbelievably nice, and despite another party heading for Walt’s Wall, we have Ed’s to ourselves. Ann starts strong on…

  • Sinks Canyon Farewell Hike

    A foggy morning inspires us to wander along one of the loop trails that start at the National Forest campground in Sinks Canyon. As the fog slowly lifts we’re treated to sights full of fall colors and morning calm. Moose Gulch Loop Hike at EveryTrail

  • Sinks Canyon – Scud Area – No Wind!

    At last a day dawns breathless and clear. Bob and Sandy join us as we head up to the Scud Area again to have our fill. It doesn’t take as long as we hope it might. Girls’ Day Out 5.7 – Ann kicks us off on this nice long route with a good variety of…

  • Sinks Canyon – Scud area

    Again the morning is promising. We hike up to the SCUD area and manage to get a few routes in. I decide it’s too windy when I have to reach above me for my rope on rappel. Check out the rope in the picture. Routes: Dog ‘n Dude 5.9+ – good pocket warmup, bigger holds…