Maroon Bells Backpacking: Snowmass Lake to N Fork Lost Creek
Hiking Stats: Photos Route in Google Earth
Maroon Bells Backpacking: Snowmass Mountain
Hiking Stats: Photos Route in Google Earth
Maroon Bells Backpacking: Snowmass Creek to Snowmass Lake
Hiking Stats: Photos Route in Google Earth
Maroon Bells Backpacking: Capitol Peak to Snowmass Creek
Hiking Stats: Photos Route in Google Earth
Maroon Bells Backpacking: Avalanche Lake to Capitol Base Camp
Hiking Stats: Photos Route in Google Earth
Maroon Bells Backpacking: N Fork Lost Creek to Avalanche Lake
Hiking Stats for the day: Photos Route in Google Earth
Placita Trailhead overnight
Dad and I, eager to start our backpack trip into the Maroon Bells-Snowmass Wilderness, find ourselves driving along the Crystal River looking for a place to spend the night at dark. We find mostly signs that say, “No camping within 1/4-mile of the Crystal River.” One tiny, overgrown road flies by, and I turn around…
Mount Richthofen
How shall we celebrate our Independence? We consider climbing, but decide at the last minute to attempt an ascent of Mount Richthofen. Thunderstorms are forecast, so we try to get out the door by 6:30am. The timing turns out to be perfect. Even with stops for gas and change, we reach the mosquito-plauged trailhead at…
Flying holds at Crystal Wall
Colin bravely joins us as Ann practices driving the BAT up twisty Poudre Canyon. The river is pretty high, enough to make someone on a raft going by scream audibly every few minutes. Which is also high enough to keep us away from the Palace. Crystal Wall is the place to be today anyway, a…
Camped at Ironsides
It’s threatening to break 100°F this weekend, yet I’m feeling more interested in sport climbing than high peaks. Doug and Liz want to test their backpacking gear, so I suggest we haul packs up to the Ironsides formation of the Ironclads. There we can camp and climb at a cool 8,800 feet of elevation in…