Category: Outings

  • Vedauwoo – Poland Hill

    This morning we head to Poland Hill, intending to get schooled on some more Vedauwoo cracks. We hope to toprope Fantasia, 5.9, a “classic Vedauwoo offwidth”, but the anchor situation up top doesn’t allow for an easy toprope of this route. So we end up on: Southwest Friction, 5.6. Ann leads this out of the…

  • Vedauwoo moonrise

    We try a new campsite along FR 700S, further from the interstate than most. After dinner we take a hike to explore the local woods and boulders. A small elk observes our foray into his territory from across a meadow. The day ends in a glorious sunset/moonrise that bathes Vedauwoo in colors that I felt…

  • Vedauwoo – Fried on Friday

    I’m working extra hours this summer to take every other Friday off, and this is the first. The extra day makes the weekend into a whole different thing, not just an extra day but a day when few people are out. Ann is interested in learning to place traditional gear, so I suggest we spend…

  • Vedauwoo – Valley Massif

    Vedauwoo weather is highly variable this time of year. I figured the best strategy would be to go fairly early so that when the weather window opens, we’re ready to jump through. Ann, Sean, Rogan, and I reach the Reynolds parking area on FS 700 around 9:30 in a cold wind. Some hardy frisbee golfers…

  • El Slabbo and Chair Rocks Hike

    We set out with my dad to scout the climbing in the Cathedral Spires area. To our dismay, a Jefferson County Open Space sign at the trailhead declared the entire area closed from March 1 to July 31 (for Peregrine Falcon nesting, I later found out). We went looking for the Top of the World…

  • Boudering Pics

    For those who found fault with Sean’s earlier pictures of me bouldering, try these.

  • It’s getting really pretty at Rotary

    I drop Ann off at a trailhead at the base of the foothills, then drive up to Rotary Park to meet Sean. We boulder for awhile, stopping often to admire the setting. There are these bushes in bloom – not lilacs but similar – just going nuts right now. Combine it with the sunset and…

  • Edward’s Crack

    This climb is so popular that we shunned it all last year rather than wait in line to climb it. Today we are there early, but still not the first. We decide to wait for it this time, and get ready at our leisure. It’s worth it. Edward’s, 5.7, is a beautiful hand crack. We…

  • First campsite of the year

    In years past the first night of the year outside has always been a bit of a shakedown, even if it’s just car camping. This time it all falls into place, and we casually make it to Vedauwoo just about sundown after work, and set up the tent at one of the new tent sites…

  • Greyrock climbing outing

    Sadly, Ann is down with the stomach funk today, so Sean and I leave for Greyrock at 8 am without her. The parking lot is already nearly full at 9, and the day is clear and warm. Excited, we lug our gear quickly up the 3.3-mile, 1,500-ft approach to the South Slabs. Last time I…