Category: Outings

  • Queen Mountain, Joshua Tree

    One of the first things Anabel asked about the park was, “Where is the highest peak?” I thought it was Queen Mountain, which from the map looked like it would have a good view of Hidden Valley, San Jacinto peak, and San Gorgonio peak. It turns out I’m right about the view, but Quail Mountain…

  • Pinto Wye Arrastra

    What is an arrastra you may ask? Well, I could have taken a picture of one, but instead I chose to photograph this odd berry bush. We found this two-mile walk listed in our hiking guide. It was nearby and just the right length to finish off the day. It didn’t say, however, what an…

  • Castle Rock, Joshua Tree

    Anabel meets us at the Crossroads Cafe, where breakfast is always good, and we return to camp for some climbing. It’s still a little cold so I look on the south side of the rock for sunny routes. There’s a new bolted line going up a finger on the left that looks OK, so I…

  • Joshua Tree Departure

    Well prepared for a long holiday weekend, we set out to Joshua Tree to find a campsite. We arrive at Belle Campground in the late afternoon, find a campsite next to some of my favorite climbs, and bound joyfully out of the car. Immediately we jump back in the car, turn the heater on, and…

  • Test Run: Joshua Tree Departure

    I leave work at noon, eager to get to Joshua Tree in time to grab a campsite before they are gone for the holiday weekend. I told my cousin Anabel we would take her camping this weekend, and it will be awkward if she shows up and we don’t have a site. Ann has the…

  • Ann goes to Morris saddle on the PCT

    Ann did a hike by herself today on the Pacific Crest Trail from Walker Pass to the saddle below Morris Peak. These solitary walks are very different from hiking with a partner. I’m happy to hear that she seems to experience the same enticement and invigoration from them that I have in the past.

  • Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest

    After a sunny breakfast we drive a few miles more up the road to Sierra View, at about 9000 feet. Shortly beyond that the road is closed. The place is well named. This is the best profile of the High Sierra I’ve ever seen. We walk a few miles up the snow-bound road to the…

  • Our Best Laid Plans

    Our original plan for today was to hike 10 miles on the Pacific Crest Trail and camp on Owen’s ridge. We wake up late, not yet packed. Two weeks worth of “administrative overhead” items sit untouched on my desk. It becomes clear that maybe planning hikes for every day of every weekend is not realistic.

  • Cottonwood-Marble Canyon Loop Day 3

    Camp 2 in Dead Horse Canyon to Cottonwood-Marble Canyon Confluence 8.8 mi :: 5 hr Just up the canyon from our campsite, someone has dug a small well. After breakfast I wander up with Jezebel and fill her water bottle. There are some tadpoles swimming in it, but she doesn’t mind. You could certainly filter…

  • Cottonwood-Marble Canyon Loop Day 2

    Camp 1 in Cottonwood Canyon to Camp 2 in Dead Horse Canyon 9.5 mi :: 7 hr :: 2130 ft Today we will switch canyons, and the navigation is uncertain. We have a sheet with vague directions like “find the unmarked pass” where there must be several unmarked passes. We will also have to find…