Geo Mashup Plugin

The WordPress Geo Mashup Plugin

wp-gmThanks for your interest in Geo Mashup! If you want to learn more about what it does and how to use it, visit the GitHub page or play with my hobomap as an example.

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Powered by cyberhobo and you

Geo Mashup started as a hobby and eventually helped me transition from a salaried web developer to an independent freelancer. Maybe one cyberhobo can make a good plugin, but it won’t be great unless I make it easy for you to help me. If you can do any of these things, Geo Mashup will benefit:


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250 responses to “Geo Mashup Plugin”

  1. Lausse –
    There is one other person experiencing this. It seems to be related to PHP 5.2.0. The WordPress calls used to generated the Geo Mashup admin interface aren’t working, but seem fine with earlier PHP versions. I’m looking for clues in the WP support forums…

  2. Great plugin! I’m trying to understand how I can add the location tool to the comment field. I want to geo my comments on a specific page. Any thoughts.

    thanks in advance!

  3. Nice idea! I’m guessing you want to geocode the comments based on IP address?

    I’m keeping track of feature request with project issues – feel free to add one!

  4. Lausse,

    Yes! I was really hoping that WP 2.1.1 would fix the problem, but so far I have one report that it does not. I may have to change my approach to the post edit interface, but I will do so if necessary.

  5. Just to let you know I have installed WordPress 2.1.1 and the plugin does not work. As Lausse reported, as soon I activate the plugin, everything below the text editor in “New Post” disappears.

    This happens with both an upgrade and a new install.

    Using PHP 5.2.0 (PHPsuexec).


  6. lausse,

    I’ve tried it doing it by category, but slowed everything way down and just looked messy for most categories.

    What I have in mind for the future is like the example – a mini map for each post that can have multiple points and tracks, but one primary point that represents it on whole-blog map.

  7. So I upgraded to the 1.0 release, and I’m now getting Google Maps API Key errors. I tried using both my main directory and subdirectories, as well as a mirror, all to no avail.

    Any ideas? Or should I just try downgrading back to the beta?

  8. Casey’s problem disappeared after upgrading WordPress to the current version and disabling the WP-cache plugin.

  9. Hi,

    i try to installed your plugin on an new wordpress blog installation, but when i try to create a post i dont see the location tab to enter the location.

    Is there anything what i missed to configure?

    thx for help!

  10. In general you’ll get the most mileage from your API key if you generate for just your domain: Then you can use it on any page.

  11. Bono,

    I’ve thought of this. The problem is that a marker may represent more than one post, each of which may represent more than one category. I haven’t come up with an elegant way to choose which marker to use in these cases.

  12. Hi,

    you are right, but when you just require that only on categorie has to be selected for colored Markers.. ohterwise an default marker color will be set?

    Or something is possible in combination with Tags (Keywords)?
    e.G. Keyword “Food” will display an specific Color

    greetz 🙂

  13. Pasada – thanks, nice to hear. Stay tuned – as the plugin and the community around it improves, great things will be possible. I appreciate any encouragement to stick with it so this can happen.

  14. Is it possible to customize the text color in the bubble? I try it with the css but it dont works 🙁

  15. Thanks, it works only for me when i add the line echo ‘color: black;’; directly in the code…

    But another question 🙂

    Where have i to look when i want different marker icons, for example for each category…


  16. Simon – it is possible, but requires some JavaScript knowledge. See the “Customizing” section of the documentation.

  17. Great plugin! I’m very interested in the functionality outlined in comment #128. My client is out at see and needs to send short lat/long emails using a satellite phone periodically. I want those emails to become blog posts within a specific category(current wp functionality) and plot to the map, of course.

    Comment 128 mentions editing geo.php which you no longer utilize as I understand. Is there a way I can get this working in a similar fashion using your latest release?

    Any help is much appreciated – Thanks!

  18. great plugin, however …. I have a few problems. I get the javascript error customizeGeoMashup is not defined. But then so do you, so Im in good company.

    Also if I have “Automatically Open the Center Info Window” checked, the links to the post are
    If I refresh then the links are ok, and if I dont have it checked they are fine also.
    Same thing happens if the “enable full post” is checked.

  19. Jon,

    Hopefully you’re in the company of those of us too lazy to upgrade to 1.0.1, where the customizeGeoMashup error at least should be fixed.

    The #geopost link is correct when show full post is enabled, but shouldn’t have anything to do with opening the center window – I’ll have to check that one.

  20. I’m fully 1.0.1 compliant 😉 Ok, I went back and had another look, I renamed the custom-sample.js file to custom.js and it works. From the docos its not clear that I had to do this, I thought it was only if I wanted to use custom Values ? But, as it turns out it works better for me if I do, which is nice 🙂

  21. Ah, thank you. Since an install doesn’t overwrite custom.js, I often don’t test without it. Another bug to fix…

  22. Hi Frank,

    When you hit enter in the search textbox while it is blank, the green pin should disappear. When the green pin is gone, save the post. It should no longer have a location. If any of this does not happen, please let know where it goes wrong.

  23. hi, it looks like a great plugin but i keep getting this error below the post where i’m supposed to enter the co-ordinates:

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/…/wp-content/plugins/geo-mashup/geo-mashup.php on line 123

    any ideas?

  24. Any plans to integrate this with google my maps? I made a map with google my maps for my videoblog and would love to be able to have the option of adding the new places to it via this plugin.

  25. Gary,

    Sorry for the late answer. I would really like to email-enable the plugin, just a matter of (possibly a lot of) time. If you get anything working meanwhile, please share!

  26. Heya!
    I’m using your plugin, but had some trouble with the K2 theme (as many others have). I made a few small changes to your script to fix that issue, plus I expanded it a little bit to include private posts in the posts query. That way, I can add new pins to the map without writing a public post to go along with it.

    Feel free to add my page to the list 🙂

  27. I’m having a minor problem. The info windows are all really large. When I play with the settings in , , it looks like the text blocks are changing, but not the white space.

    Any idea what’s going on? I’ve tried removing images from my post, switching to the default wordpress theme, using IE instead of Firefox, and monkeying around with the Info Window H and W settings. Nothing’s worked yet.

  28. I’m seeing this too – I suspect there are changes in the Google Maps API involved. I’m working on it – stay tuned.

  29. Hey.
    Thanks for creating this great plugin!
    I’m using it to plot the route someone is travelling through Europe.

    I think there are about 150+ locations present at the moment. However, the plugin shows only the last of ’em. See:
    When I move/zoom around a bit the missing locations eventually appear.

    Is there a solution to this? Maybe increase the number of locations that are being cached or something?
    Thanks in advance.

  30. Matthijs – currently, only posts in the visible area of the map are downloaded. As you move around, the posts that become visible are loaded. You could cause more to be loaded initially by setting the zoom level lower. You could even use custom.js to zoom in again after the initial loading.

    This way of downloading posts will be different in the next version, so more will be cached.

  31. Great Plugin!

    But I have a small problem. I am trying to make a new window to popup after clicking the title in the balloon pin. The closest I find is in geo-mashup.js
    where I try to edit the


    But it did not reflect anything. Maybe I know where is the place that I can apply the target=_blank in the anchor tag?

    thank you